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Civitavecchia, Italy

My experience

Tarquinia Dream Tour

Tarquinia Dream Tour

4 hours

Regular price $289.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $289.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Minimum 2 / maximum 6 guests

Discover the pearl of the Mediterranean, ancient Tarquinia, which will take you back to the time of the Etruscans. The guides of the Artetruria Association will revive the Etruscan necropolis before your eyes and show you tombs that are normally closed to the public.

As soon as you arrive in Tarquinia, in the province of Rome, you will immediately reach the Etruscan Necropolis, where the guides will be waiting for you. The tombs of the Bulls, the Baron, the Panthers and the Wishes will be opened only for you. You will be able to admire the oldest tomb discovered so far. It is the tomb of the Panthers, decorated by the murals of two large black and red felines. By the way, did you know that the Etruscan word for tomb is "suthi"?

After visiting the necropolis, the tour of Tarquinia continues with a walk through the medieval heart of the city, considered a real architectural jewel. You will visit the Romanesque-Gothic church of Santa Maria in Castello and overlook the Tower of Matilde di Canossa, from which you can enjoy a splendid view. Finally, stop in front of the frescoes of the Town Hall, in which are painted the historical and mythological episodes of the city. You will be enchanted by this place, considered the cradle of Etruscan culture.

Please note: all bookings are subject to additional confirmation upon request. Once we receive your order, we will check availability and contact you if it is confirmed.

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